Greetings, Nomidachi!
We're introducing some "new" sake this weekend, and serving it during another edition of "Saké Nomi Cinema: Movies To Drink Sake To."
Welcome Back, Pard: Cowboy Yamahai The way the sake import and distribution system for Washington works means that, as a retailer, we are unable to import anything directly, and we're only able to purchase and sell sake that we obtain through licensed Washington distributors. Sometimes, due to the vagaries of this system, we lose the ability to carry sake we've come to love and have spent a lot of time and effort promoting to our customers, through no fault of our own.
Cowboy Yamahai Junmai Ginjo Genshu is a sake that first intrigued us, and we decided to carry, about five years ago. It dropped off the radar for a bit, but has recently been picked up by a different distributor and we are extremely pleased to be able to carry it again (and feature it on the current menu) -- at a reduced price!
Cowboy Yamahai has a pronounced golden tint, with aromas of pear and sweet grains. Its soft, full mouthfeel contrasts with the hearty and masculine, sharp and somewhat acidic flavor profile. Brewed specifically to compliment grilled meat and richer foods, there is yamahai tanginess on the edges and in the dry finish. The bold packaging speaks for itself. Price: $45/720 ml
New Sake Arrival: Tensei "Endless Summer" Tokubetsu Honjozo Brand new to Washington! A bright and light easy drinker. In fact, it's so new, we’re still “working” on our tasting notes. Nice work, if you can get it. C'mon down, try it out and give us a hand! Price: $35/720 ml
Saké Nomi Cinema: Japanese version of Unforgiven Saturday, Feb. 17 @ 8 pm
Yurusarezaru Mono is a 2013 Japanese re-telling of Clint Eastwood's 1992 Unforgiven, set in Hokkaido during the Meiji era and starring Ken Watanabe. The plot closely follows that of the original version -- enough so that every time we watch it, we kind of want to go back and see the Eastwood original.
(NOTE: we will be showing the Japanese film with English subtitles)
While there is some sake drinking in the movie that more than justifies our screening, we also thought it would be a fun (though kind of graphically violent) tie-in to the reappearance of the aforementioned Cowboy Yamahai.
We hope you can join us.
Arigatou, and Kanpai!
Johnnie & Taiko